Educator Speaks Consulting Services, LLC
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Leadership Data Analysis Program
Shared leadership is essential in helping schools achieve their goals. We work with leaderships teams to create strategic plans to address prioritized need. Ongoing support is provided in analyzing data of students and adults through efficient meetings. We emphasis our focus on adult action data to help teams better leverage their efforts in the effective use of data in the decision making process. Generating, monitoring, and revising adult goals are a key components to ensure teams are on the right path to meet goals. We provide a comprehensive approach that is designed to increase the capacity of team members while meeting desired targets.
Leadership Team Development

We will focus on prioritizing standards to set the foundation for the academic focus. In addition, we will finalize the School Performance Plan (SPP) as necessary. Immediately following, we will focus on the actions of the leadership team once the SPP is completed and how to chart and collect data throughout the year to measure progress toward established SMART goals. We will also create adult SMART goals to leverage Adult Action and Student Outcome data in decision making

Participants will learn about: 

  • The role of the Leadership Team in a Holistic Accountability System 
  • The relationship between the Leadership Team and School Improvement Plans
  • The monitoring function of the Leadership Team 
  • The Leadership Team actions—the meeting 
  • The composition, function, and processes of a Leadership Team  

As a result of this learning experience, participants will be able to: 

  • Create a limited number of student achievement goals based on the school’s current reality and the needs of the district
  • Generate a limited number of adult action indicators to achieve the student achievement goals 
  • Plan explicitly for the integration of the Leadership Team and the teacher-level Instructional Teams 
  • Develop a monitoring plan for both student results and adult actions 
  • Replicate a Leadership Team meeting 

If a school was permitted to have just one training, this is the one!
My training will help to raise test scores for all students, decrease discipline challenges, and improve classroom rapport. You will learn how to meet students where they are and lead them where they need to be, capture attention, and promote deeper learning.
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Educator Speaks Consulting Services, LLC